International School


30th May - 1st June 2019, Dolgoprudny, Russia

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Add to Calendar 05/30/2019 09:00 AM 06/01/2019 10:00 PM Europe/Moscow International School "Modern Cryo-Electron Microscopy" true 1440
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What is this school and for whom?

The international school "Modern cryoelectron microscopy" is organized by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The purpose of the event is to familiarize students, graduate students, researchers of academic and scientific organizations with a modern and dynamically developing structural research method - cryoelectron microscopy. The school is a three-day intensive course on the methods used in cryoelectron microscopy, including theoretical training, an overview of the modern world instrumentation infrastructure, sample preparation methods, conducting experiments and analyzing the results. The spectrum of topics covered suits attendees that are new to the field as well as those for whom the technique is already of growing importance in their research and who wish to acquire an in-depth understanding of the methodology. Educational lectures and master classes will be given. Leading researchers in the field of cryoelectron microscopy from Russia, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany and France will be tutors of the school.

The number of participants is limited. School participants are expected to give a presentation of their current project.

The language of the school is English.


The advantages of modern cryo-electron microscopes

Why is this topic so popular in recent years?

The heterogeneity of the samples, the problems associated with biological samples

Tomography and single particle analysis

Validation of structures, how to evaluate their correctness?

What determines method resolution?



All invited tutors is experienced lecturers and instructors are all users of cryoelectron microscopy infrastructure and methods.

Evgeniya Pechnikova

ThermoFisher Scientific / United Kingdom

Olga Sokolova

Moscow State University / Russia

Alexander Vasiliev

National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" / Russia

Elena Orlova

Birkbeck University of London / United Kingdom

Albert Guskov

University of Groningen / Netherlands

Vadim Cherezov

Bridge Institute, USC, USA / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

Agustin Avila-Sakar

Gatan, Inc. / USA

Gunnar Schröder

Forschungszentrum Jülich / Germany

Frédéric Leroux

Leica Microsystems / Belgium

Ambroise Desfosses

Institut de Biologie Structurale / France

Grigory Sharov

MRC Cambridge / United Kingdom



Dr. Andrey Rogachev
MIPT / JINR - Co-chairman
Dr. Valentin Borshchevskiy
MIPT - Co-chairman
Natalia Iakovleva
MIPT – Scientific secretary
Dr. Alexey Mishin
Dr. Ivan Gushchin
Dr. Maxim Nikitin
Ivan Okhrimenko
Eugenia Chirkina
Ekaterina Donskaya
Dr. Alina Remeeva


Prof. Dr. Valentin Gordeliy
IBS, France / Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany – Co-chairman
Prof. Dr. Olga Sokolova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia – Co-chairman
Prof. Dr. Elena Orlova
University of London, UK
Prof. Dr. Vadim Cherezov
USC, USA / MIPT, Russia
Prof. Dr. Marat Yusupov
Kazan Federal University, Russia
Prof. Dr. Carsten Sachse
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany


Important Dates

15 February
First announcement
20 February
Open registration
11 March
Second Information Bulletin
18 March
The school has been oversubscribed so unfortunately we are forced to stop registration of new participants
31 March
Visa Deadline
20 May
Registration deadline
30 May - 01 June
Working days of the international school



Registration Fees

Full registrants are welcome at general activities, have access to the lecture halls, will be provided with refreshments at two coffee breaks each day and Endless opportunities to network with colleagues from around the globe. The Conference Dinner or Lunch is NOT included in any registration types but you will have time to “lunch break” in the program. Also the conference fee does not include travel and accommodation.

At the moment, the organizers are deciding on the possibility of accommodating participants on the MIPT campus. This feature and cost will be announced later.

Cost of participation as a listener:

Before 31 March 2019 — 3 000 rubles

After 31 March 2019 — 6 000 rubles

You can pre-register now and pay the registration fee later.

* Information for MSU and MIPT students. For details on the terms of participation please contact to the organizing committee.


Organized by

Supported by

Founder partners

Associate partners


Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (“Phystech”) is the leading institute of higher education in Russian Federation training highly-qualified specialists in various areas of modern science and technology. The institute has a rich history. Its founders and early staff members were Nobel Prize winners P.L Kapitsa, N.N Semenov, and L.D. Landau. Nobel Prize winners are among its graduates as well. Many “Phystech” professors are leading scientists in Russia, among which are more than 80 academics and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. From the beginning, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has used a unique system for training specialists, known commonly as the “Phystech System,” which combines fundamental education, engineering disciplines, and student scientific research. Now the Institute is developing unique scientific infrastructure to carry out the cutting edge research in many fields of science.

Contact Us

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

9 Institutskiy per.,Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141700, Russian Federation

MIPT Campus Map

We start May,30th at 9.00 am, “Phystech.Arctica” bld. (“Физтех.Арктика”)
(Moscow region, Dolgoprudny city, Nauchny lane, 4)

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